
Милейшие кавалер-кинг-чарльз-спаниели ждут вас в нашем питомнике!


Остров Белого Клевера - Кавалер Кинг Чарльз Спаниели.

Щенки кавалера

Милейшие щенки для вашей семьи.

Выбор щенков

Выберите щенка кавалер-кинг-чарльз своей мечты.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Великолепные щенки! Наш кавалер-кинг-чарльз-спаниель принес в наш дом много радости.

Лаура M.

A small dog with a black and tan coat is wearing a red bow tie and sitting on a pile of colorful, fluffy blankets. The blankets have patterns in pink, green, and gray tones. The setting appears to be indoors, possibly near a radiator or heater.
A small dog with a black and tan coat is wearing a red bow tie and sitting on a pile of colorful, fluffy blankets. The blankets have patterns in pink, green, and gray tones. The setting appears to be indoors, possibly near a radiator or heater.

Мы остались очень довольны! Щенки здоровые, игривые и очень любимые. Рекомендуем всем!

Томас К.

A small, fluffy brown dog with its tongue out sits playfully in a wooden crate. The background features a tiled floor with soft, neutral tones, providing a cozy and warm atmosphere.
A small, fluffy brown dog with its tongue out sits playfully in a wooden crate. The background features a tiled floor with soft, neutral tones, providing a cozy and warm atmosphere.